Thisminiature cameraincludesa transmitter and areceiver. It operates onthefrequency of 1.5GHz andhas 3different channelsso as toauthorize the use ofthreecameras simultaneouslyif needed.
Thetransmission poweris500mW, which achievesa range of300min the city.
The transmitter andreceiverare equipped with arechargeable1800mAh battery. Thelife ofthebattery is approximately2 hours.It ispossible to extend thelife ofthe battery usingan external batteryon request.
Thecameraoffers a resolution of450TVlines and ahigh qualityaudiosignal. Thecamera comeswith severalbuttonsto fitinmostshirt buttons.
If noshirt buttonsdoes not matchyour shirt,we also supplyspare buttonsto changeall thebuttons on yourshirt.
It canbe worn comfortablyin discreetly.
It is thenpossible toreceive audioand videodirectlyona TV,orusinga USBadapteron a laptop.